

Book List 2004

Way back in my November 7, 2004 entry of this lil' blog I shared my book list for that year. Tonight I consulted my anal-retentive Clie palm pilot and discovered I read a few more books in 2004. I also read several old blog entries and wanted to edit every single one. I decided against the impulse because a blog is similar to a diary I'm sharing with God and everybody, so I'm considering my blog a work in progress, warts and all.

I'm assuming there are fellow bibliophiles reading my blog; for y'all I share my complete Book List 2004:

1. Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns - OK.
2. Making a Literary Life by Carolyn See - Very good.
3. Kristin Lavransdatter II: The Mistress of Husaby by Sigrid Undset - Excellent.
4. Kristin Lavransdatter III: The Cross by Sigrid Undset - Excellent.
5. The Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen - OK.
6. Surviving a Writer's Life by by Suzanne Lipsett - Very good.
7. In the Presence of my Enemies by Gracia Burnham - Not well-written but an amazing story.
8. Portofino by Frank Schaeffer - Excellent.
9. The View From a Monastery by Brother Benet Tvedten - Very good.
10. Dakota: A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris - Excellent.
11. The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton - Very good.
12. Hardcore Troubadour: The Life and Near Death of Steve Earle by Lauren St. John - Not well-written but interesting.
13. The Liars' Club by Mary Karr - Excellent.
14. Cherry by Mary Karr - Excellent.
15. Heidi by Johanna Spyri - The first book I ever read all by myself and it was still excellent in 2004.
16. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver - Very good.
17. Unveiling by Suzanne M. Wolfe - Very good.

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