

I've Been Tagged, People

Fellow Sigur Ros-lover, March, tagged me to post seven random things about myself. The rules: each player should list seven random facts about themselves on their blog as well as the rules to this little game. At the end of their post, they need to tag seven people. Let those folks know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So, here are seven random facts about moi:
1. I subscribe to the Sunday New York Times, but I never completely read it that Sunday. I read it slowly, section by section, during the whole week.

2. I crave light. One of the first things I do every morning is to open all of our window blinds downstairs. I'm happier on sunshine-filled days. I light candles at night. These days, I need lots of light.

3. I spy on our neighbors through those windows. Or let's call it people-watching - that sounds better. I watch while I eat breakfast, while I'm typing away on my laptop, and the like. I have many theories about our neighbors directly across the street from our kitchen's view. They have so many people in and out of that house: a Dad, Mom, two adult sons, an adult daughter, two girlfriends (belonging to the sons), friends, and a gazillion cars pulling in and out of the driveway.

4. I like to read the Bible out loud.

5. I'm still skittish of wasps on the other side of a glass window. They give me the heebie-jeebies.

6. My favorite cuss word is "shit." Of course, I never say it. Picture me with a halo here.

7. I really, really want to visit Marfa, TX with Johnny. My Dad grew up in West Texas seeing the mysterious Marfa Lights. I want to see those lights, see the artistic sights (especially Prada Marfa), and stay at the Thunderbird. Oh, how I love Texas.

I tag:
1. Christine.
2. Allison.
3. Sember.
4. Kierstin.
5. Katy.
6. Megan.
7. Johnny.


Christine said...

Uh oh, I already did this one! I guess I need to think of 7 more (shouldn't be hard - tee hee).

March2theSea said...

nice..thanks for sharing!

allison said...

The last time I tried tagging anyone no one played along. I don't have seven more victims. But to be a good sport I'll list mine here:
1. I’ve stayed awake for more sunrises than I’ve woken up for.
2. My favorite perch is atop Cadillac Mountain, Arcadia National Park, Maine, at sunset.
3. Although I have parasailed, I have refused every opportunity to jump from a plane.
4. I am a Yankee by birth, a Texan by osmosis.
5. I wish I had Sheryl Crow’s job.
6. I hate wearing socks and shoes.
7. Before cars were all computerized I used to perform my own tune-ups.

allison said...

PS: I'm with you on Marfa!

Christine said...

Well, I finally did this! Check my blog. Of course another person had to tag me too before I finally gave in. Tee hee.