

On the Feast Menu Today

Visual feasts: Paintings by talented friends and family - Kierstin, for one. And my brother, Jody - his painting hangs on the large wall at the top of our stairs, to the left. Other than a window overlooking pine trees, his painting is the first object you see on the second floor:

I don't dare interpret his painting, but I see wind, feathers, a storm, and talent. My brother possesses several cool traits, but one is his brain. He can give you a geology lesson with expertise and he can also paint your socks off. One of my favorite things to do when visiting an art museum is to stand as close to a painting as possible without the curator yanking my ear out the front door. I do this with Jody's painting, too - I'm fascinated by the textures of different paints and mediums:

Mental feast: My friend Katy shared this quote via iChat ~
"I don't deny that there should be priests to remind men that they will one day die. I only say that it is necessary to have another kind of priests, called poets, actually to remind them that they are not dead yet."
(G.K. Chesterton)

Auditory feasts: The music of Great Lake Swimmers and Okkervil River. I'm proud to say that Okkervil River is from Austin, TX!

I'm still pulling up more literary blog entries, root by root, "bird by bird." I also pulled out my small Moleskine to capture the vibrant thoughts before they scamper off. No matter if the resulting blog entry is good or average, a writer's supposed to write, right?

1 comment:

Christine said...

The mention of your Moleskine reminded me of this...I just recently rediscovered my little homemade-paper notebook I carried in my purse everyday when I lived in Houston. There was even a Kierstin original, a butterfly, that I now remember she drew for me while we were at Empire one evening. It's dated 11/99. What a treasure. And a little crazy to look back at the books and music I had on my list then!