

I've Moved Past Lollipops

You know how the doctor or dentist would give you a lollipop after office visits when you were little? Well, mine did - the dentist handed out sugar-free lollipops, in fact. I was reminded of this today after a visit to my doctor at the Hotze center. I'm grateful for this treatment and the doc didn't give devastating news, but my treatment will take longer than I expected. I would explain why, but it's really too boring.

When Johnny picked me up after my appointment, I felt blue and impatient. He whisked me off to Target for inexpensive "retail therapy":

-Burt's Bees replenishing lip balm with pomegranate oil (smells amazing).
-Four plates, to begin our collection.
-A $1.00 wire basket for the kitchen.
-A 2-tea cup set for $2.50.
-The October 2007 issue of Martha Stewart's Living.

These simple items cheered me up, along with three (yeast-free) peanut butter cookies and a hummingbird sighting outside a kitchen window. In addition, that stuffed eggplant recipe is in the works right now.


Christine said...

Mmmm, peanut butter. Mmmm, eggplant. But not together. Who doesn't need a little retail therapy?

Anonymous said...

I love, LOVE Martha Stewart!