

Shiny, African joy

I am not feeling well today. Among other ailments my brain is an expanse of fog. Thankfully I have a day off from my bookish job and I've enjoyed luxurious rest. I woke up at 10:30 AM and Johnny brewed a pot of coffee. I did not give a second thought to my looks, pulled back my hair, slipped on sandals and set out for a few errands. I drove without exact direction as I am known to do (and thoroughly enjoy), even once getting semi-lost but eventually finding my way back home. The weather is quite warm but it is shiny, as my co-worker Carol says. (When I told her about Johnny she said, "He is shiny.") I tried new things today, also. Instead of diving headlong into sickly grumpiness I thanked God for my discomfort. It was my meager "sacrifice of thanksgiving" - one of my favorite phrases in the Psalms. The other New I tried was a Murphy's Deli lamb and beef gyro. Oh my sweet Lord was it ever good. I also had two stuffed grape leaves and the best brownie I've ever consumed in my 29 years of living. As I meandered through Houston this shiny day I caught an African music hour on the radio. I believe African music is the most joyful music. I cannot help be full of joy myself while listening. Within African Churches they dance down the aisle to present their offerings. That seems completely appropriate along with such beautiful songs. We have a Compassion child in Rwanda named Denise. Her last letter contained the news that she and her grandmother go to an Anglican Church in Rwanda. I love this even more because Johnny and I now attend an Anglican Mission in American (AMiA) parish and our main bishop is in Rwanda! The four of us attend the same Church with the minor difference that our small parish is shy of dancing.

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