I love when a peaceful corner of our home catches my eye, filling my heart with both gratitude and inspiration. I've yet to iron the tablecloth and it doesn't quite fit that table, yet I do like the change in our breakfast nook. The striped shades of blue and white match our kitchen walls perfectly and a wooden bowl full of mini pumpkins is rather cheerful. I'm thinking of having the tablecloth cut and hemmed to fit the table better, but for now, the charming imperfection suits our home. Johnny approves and so do the cats, and Milo's newest antic is to hop from the counter to the table (over and over, back and forth) making a mess of the creatively-folded tablecloth. Harley's personality is much different - he merely sits on the table looking pretty. Milo is our little clown; he also teaches me to be much less uptight.
That's all I wanted to share today other than two bits of art:
-We watched The Painted Veil last night and loved it. A high recommendation from both Simmonses. You can read a great Curator article by Christy Tennant about the film here.
-I don't care what this review says, I can't wait to read Anne Rice's new memoir, Called Out of Darkness. Johnny and I love the Christ the Lord books and some of the vampire stories, so we're planning a bookstore/coffee outing this week to purchase Rice's latest book. She is fascinating.
Happy Sabbath, y'all.
Gee, someone from the Times doesn't like someone's testimony? No...way.
We're buying it. I loves me some Anne Rice.
I love the tiny pumpkins. They're soooo cute and they're the perfect size for a kiddo. A. loves them. We're going to the pumpkin patch to pick one out next weekend.
I've been wanting to read some of Anne Rice's books. I've heard they're good. I'm so behind with certain books ;)
I love a man who buys good books, Sweets.
Kimberly - where is the nearest pumpkin patch?! I'd love to go this year.
I love the way you've displayed the pumpkins. is that me in the top right corner?
Yes ma'am, it is. :)
your house is so pretty. . .
There is a list of pumpkin patches on this website. I guess we're going to be going to Dewberry Farms. Gregg has a test he has to take next Saturday in Austin so I won't be able to take A. to the patch I wanted to. We were going to go to the Newland Pumpkin Festival next Saturday.
Hope these are helpful to you!
i love your kitchen. it looks so peaceful.
and i really love that tablecloth... just as it is.
please post more full views of the rooms in your house! :)
Thank you three!
Kierstin, I will try to take more full-view shots of each room, but we do need more stuff on the walls. Still a work in progress. :)
Just got the new Rice from the Library. Can't wait to dig in! Did you read Heather King's Redeemed? I think you'd like it.
I have not read Redeemed. I'll look into it - thanks!
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