The table of contents:
Keep Up the Conversation:
A Reflection on David Foster Wallace
Rebecca Tirrell Talbot
Considering the work and life of a great writer, and what his death means for us.
On Fantasy Fiction;
Or, You Should Read Cyndere's Midnight
Annie Young Frisbie
In defense of speculative fiction and great stories, and an introduction to one such tale.
Sandra McCracken:
A Red Balloon of Hope (Part 2)
Jenni Simmons
Part two of our interview with singer/songwriter Sandra McCracken.
In this part of the interview, I asked Sandra about Albert Lamorisse's Oscar-winning short film, The Red Balloon, which was part of the inspiration for the concept of her latest album. After renting the film from Netflix, I, too, was enchanted by this charming story set in 1950's-Paris. Since there is very little dialogue, I had to become a creator while watching - imagining the little boy's thoughts, his conversations with the red balloon, and what exactly happened after the movie's magical ending. I highly recommend it, so much so that I plan to own the film to watch again and again, and with my children one day.
Happy reading and watching, and please enjoy your weekend.
hey you! i LOVE your new 'dreams of genevieve' banner! did you make it? seriously, <3 it. school and home and parenting and such have not left me much blog-hopping time lately...but when i can pop in, it is nice to hear your voice :)
i really enjoyed the interview. i have not been very familiar with sandra maccracken before. i have since bought the red balloon album and another one she did with her husband. . . . from itunes. thanks for piquing my interest.
Thanks, Lauren. No, I didn't - it's a customized header by Alyson over at seventy and sunny:
I gave her my ideas and she made the lovely art you see above.
And thank you, Laura! I'm so glad you discovered their music - very good stuff.
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