-Hazelnut tea. Oh. My. Sweet. Lord. I'm already devoted to almond tea, but hazelnut tea might be better. It smells and tastes amazing. A sample tin is only $2.00, so I urge you to give it a try.
-This blog entry about tea.
-Which brings me to my nightcap of choice lately: Chai redbush tea with a sweetener + coconut milk.
-Two orange pumpkins, now guarding the front porch.
-Q & A with Andi Ashworth. She is so wise and inspiring. Her book - Real Love for Real Life: the Art and Work of Caring - is a must-read, too.
-Almond dish soap with real almond and cherry oils.
-Emptying the dishwasher, I pulled out a small, blue glass bowl - hard water stains and all - and dropped the Nitty Gritty tea light inside. Seriously, this little candle has taken me by surprise. Who would've thought I'd like a tomato/dirt scented candle? This coming from a gal who for years would only buy vanilla-scented candles. Don't worry, I still have a sweet side. Johnny and I loved the Gingerbread Man tea light I burned last night as we read our respective books. It is sweet, but not sickeningly so - you can really smell molasses which I happen to love (and miss). It'll most likely be the Advent/Christmas '08 scent around here.
-The perfect, tiny double acorn and pine cone rubber stamps on Etsy. Only $2.00 each, so yes, I made a purchase.
-Visualizing an autumn inspiration wire to hang soon.
-Finding a recipe that Nicole clipped from Gourmet magazine and mailed to me a few months ago: Moroccan eggplant salad. I'll have to make a few substitutions for my current diet, but man, that looks good. My husband will love it, too. Did I mention that Nicole mailed the recipe in a lovely, simple brown paper-creation, the edges stitched with white thread? She is also inspiring. I'm telling you, I've got the best blog-friends in the world.
-Yesterday, we didn't make it on time to vote early. Instead of rushing out to vote today, we decided to stay put, rest, practice drums (Johnny), read and do laundry (me), and just enjoy the Saturday. We can still vote early on Monday, after all. I even decided to wait and start writing my next Curator article and the book review 'til Monday, too. For some reason, it seems right to rest.
-Harley napping in my rocking chair.
-Natural light in the house.
-A pretty Tree of Life table runner which I'm thinking will be perfect on the dining room table this Christmas. We're hosting again, so I think it's a worthy purchase, especially since we'll use it for several Christmases to come.
-A late lunch now ~ another salad topped with herb turkey, crunchy, roasted garlic, and olive oil; such a good combination.
I've never tried hazelnut OR almond tea. I'll have to give it a try.
Pumpkins guarding the porch are essential. And mums help too. :)
that soap is my favorite. it makes me feel like there are cookies baking in the oven. yum.
that lunch sounds fabulous! you're making me hungry, even for the chicken. this whole post makes me ache for my missing sense of smell - allergies are driving me a little wild, but each new day is a big improvement.
I love you, friend. thank you for saying such nice things.
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