I just want to say that Houston's climate has reached perfection. The weather widget says: 'twas 47 degrees this morning, it's currently 68 degrees, a high of 81 today, and a predicted low of 47 tonight. Lately, we've had a chilly house morning and night, making the Simmonses happy, especially Jenni and Harley (cat). Last night I read under a soft blanket, burned Dirt candles (so happy with my choices)*, and Johnny started up the fireplace. Harley lives for cooler weather, maybe because of all that hair. He gets more frisky (vs. his usual laid-back attitude) and talkative - it's really cute. Right this minute he's sitting on the antique wooden prayer bench which is also adorable, and maybe spiritual?
Oh, and I'm up to 6 "feisty pills" now - the maximum amount. It's only been a few days and I can't say I feel spectacular, yet even so, this is major progress and I definitely sense the hand of God holding me up, guiding me forward. It's something of a miracle seeing as one pill used to wipe me out. I am very grateful and looking ahead.
Yesterday, we took a walk around the 'hood, soaking in the sunshine and cool breeze. Johnny was semi-embarrassed as I collected bits of nature. I carried around a fallen pine branch for awhile, then I might have practiced theft by picking up several acorns from a neighbor's sidewalk. My rationale is that we don't have any acorn-dropping trees and those neighbors would probably just whisk 'em away during yard work. Right?? Do I need to repent? If so, I do, but the neighbors are welcome to our pine cones anytime; we have plenty.
As much of a homebody as I am, I'm feeling the need to get out of the house again, so today we're gonna
The table of contents:
Truth in Advertising
Kevin Gosa
Tired of advertisers making you feel less than human?
Never Underestimate the Power of Cartoons
Christy Tennant
Political cartoons: child’s play, or public conscience?
Broken Windows and Internet Civility
Alissa Wilkinson
Could better internet aesthetics make for better virtual neighborhoods?
And don't forget, if you're interested in writing for The Curator, please click here. We're always looking for new voices and insights into culture!
* - [Just so you know, Dirt candles' $1.00 tea lights are sheer genius. They're the perfect way to sample any fragrance, these tiny candles burn very slowly, and each scent is potent. I've never purchased tea lights of this quality before. Plus, the packaging is cute - little recyclable cardboard boxes. One last reminder: Dirt's soy candles are phthalate-free (very good for your hormones and things) and the wicks are pure, safe cotton (no lead). I officially endorse Dirt candles ~ good smells for good health.]
** - [I haven't forgotten about the book giveaway. Remember, you can leave comments on the forthcoming review as entries in the giveaway, too. Sorry it's taken so long - I'm still learning how to juggle my writer's time. As more yeast toxins die a sweet death with those 6 "feisty pills", it'll help a great deal.]
Isn't this weather wonderful?!!! Loving it! We need to go somewhere and find some acorns. I'd love to put them in a mason jar or something for display.
Yes, this weather is a Godsend! We think alike, friend - I've got pine cones and acorns in a mason jar on the kitchen window sill. :)
LOL, I did not know that. I saw on another blog that someone placed some fake autumn leaves in a mason jar and it was so pretty (they didn't have any pretty real ones); I want to do that too.
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