

the perfect quote

I'm finally upstairs at my desk, trying to get started. But of course, I checked facebook first like the addict I am. I read the perfect quote on my friend Allison's wall which I copied to an index card. I hope she won't mind me sharing it with y'all:

"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, speak a few reasonable words."



Alissa Wilkinson said...

Hey, I think I recognize that notecard. ;)

Lindsay said...

That quote is much more digestable than Faust.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed your last several posts. You inspire me to get going again.

jenni said...

Alissa, you ought to ~ thank you again. :)

Lindsay, I shamefully admit I've never read Faust. So I'm not missing anything?

Margie, the inspiration is mutual. You are in my prayers....

Lindsay said...

Faust wasn't bad -- just long. It's a lot like Job. I would stick with Job.