["SING." by rae dunn]
+ Bright blue sky and sun.
+ A long hug from Johnny. Then he made me laugh.
+ Replenishing lip balm w/pomegranate oil....
+ Weleda wild rose intensive eye cream....
+ Vanilla chai lotion (God help my parched skin).
+ Another prayer from John Ballie's diary ~ better words than I could ever muster this morning.
+ Breakfast: scrambled eggs, an orange, three coconut flour chai cookies (ahem), and Texas piƱon coffee.
+ Pouring a steaming cup for my husband.
+ Laundry tumbling and drying with method water lily + aloe.
+ Listening to Street Map.
+ shanna murray's photostream.
+ A new issue of Books & Culture to read.
+ The house smelling of coffee.
+ A snail mail package ready to go. There's even paper doilies inside.
+ Still not feeling well and going on a lack of sleep, yet hopeful in the possibility that God will drop a well-written article into my lap upstairs. Please?
+ The natural light in the house, and the shadows.
+ More possibility: The Glen Workshop 2009. Will this be my year, Allison??
+ A walk around the 'hood later on.
+ And an Epsom salt bath, and hopefully more sleep.
YES! This is your year! :)
I'm really thinking about it, Allison - esp. Lauren Winner's spiritual writing workshop....
....though we're not sure about the $$ - we shall see. :)
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