

a week changed my life

[near Abiqui, NM via my iPhone]

I have a new article up on The Curator today:

"A Week Changed My Life" — my reflections on a week at the IMAGE journal's Glen Workshop. I can hardly wait for next year!

Did I mention my amazing writing teacher was a favorite author, Lauren Winner? I learned so, so much.

[Lauren Winner]

You'll never believe it, but now I'm gonna start writing a "real" blog entry, though it may not post 'til tomorrow.

Oh, and I finally tried Agave Wheat beer at Antidote last night. Yes, it is as good as it sounds.


Ali said...

I just read your Curator article and wanted to thank you for the encouragement. As someone who's only just decided I want to be a 'writer', in a serious way, I found your story challenging, inspiring and motivating.
And I'm totally intrigued about a memoir that includes St Catherine! I really hope you can make something more of that.

jenni said...

Nice to "meet" you, Ali! You know what I'm gonna say next ... write!

Alina said...

It was so great and inspiring to read the article! A week to talk with and learn from fellow artists and writers? AMAZING!

I'm also going through a major revelation....I love, need, have to write! I just started reading Julia Cameron's third book in the Artist's Way series, and I somehow feel like I've found myself. I always knew I could get an A in writing class, but I'm coming to grips with my calling to write. It's wonderful (and kind of life altering)!

Here's to finding the time and discipline to stretch those writing muscles!


jenni said...

Thank you, and write, Alina, write! You should also go to the Glen next year. :)