

a (blog) vacation

["friday night lights" by clumsy bird ~ click to see larger]

Guess what? I'm popping in to say that I'm taking yet another blog hiatus. I know it's lame, but this time I have a pret-ty good excuse. Johnny and I are flying to Nashville in the morning for a much-needed vacation. We'll visit old & new friends, pay our respects to several coffee shops, eat good food, browse used bookstores, and just relax. We haven't really traveled together since I was diagnosed with health issues, so we are really looking forward to the beautiful state of Tennessee, and crossing #20 off my ambitious list.

And so, I'm doing lots of laundry today, packing, and baking cookies to stash in my suitcase. I'm relearning what I can and cannot tuck in my purse/carry-on. Can I bring Burt's Bees pomegranate lip balm? Johnny is not sure, but he thinks so. I mean, women can bring lipstick. No lotion, though, on the off chance that I want to make a vanilla chai bomb. Sigh.

Johnny PriceLined our plane tickets, but he just realized today that we are seated apart. Boo! We plan to ask a kind soul to switch with one of us. What is a vacation without sitting by your spouse? Besides, what if there's an accident and my end of the plane lands on the opposite side of the island from my husband?

In other news, we hosted our Church's first book club last night which was amazing. For one reason or another, some of us (ahem) didn't actually finish Reading Lolita in Tehran. Even so, it was fun to discuss the book with a small group of friends over snacks, wine, and coffee. We sure like having folks over to our house. We'll be taking Azar Nafisi's book with us to Nashville to share, or maybe even read to each other. I was afraid Johnny wouldn't like this book, but he wants to keep reading, too. Swoon.

. . . I associate Sun Kil Moon with Nashville very strongly since I first heard their music playing overhead at Bongo Java. I've been listening to them in preparation for our trip, and also these great new records:

-Curse Your Branches :: David Bazan
-The Resistance :: Muse
-The Road Sessions Collection :: Matthew Smith
-Hope for a Tree Cut Down :: Church of the Beloved
-Ellipse :: Imogen Heap

Surely a vacation will yield a bountiful blog entry or two. . . . Man, you know what? I haven't stepped foot on an airplane or traveled out of state in 4-5 years. I need to get out more.


Kimberly said...

Yes, you DO need to get out more and I'm so glad you're getting this chance. Although, I'm a tiny bit jealous. I love Tennesse, especially during this time of year. Have a fabulous trip!

As for carry-on items... be sure to pack everything in a qt. ziploc bag in case you have to take them out for inspection. Also, I always carry those travel packs of handi wipes. I may a bit of a nut, but I use them to wipe down everything you'll touch in your seating area, including the air vent. I've stopped getting sick on every flight since I've started doing that. It embarrasses hubby but he deals with it. lol.

I think they'll let you carry a small travel sized lotion with you but they may have changed that recently. If so, then I'm screwed when we fly to Michigan in a few months. I never go anywhere w/out my lotion.

Have a safe and fun trip! Take lots of pics and notes. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Alina said...

Sounds like fun! Love me some Tennessee. And your music picks sound awesome. Happy vacationing!

Christine said...

Fun fun FUN! PLEASE take pictures at Radnor Lake. It's going to be gorgeous. I can't wait to hear about your Nashville travels. Wish I could be there with you!

jenni said...

Um, we forgot our real camera, but I did take lots of notes (and iPhone pics). A blog entry is a comin'....

Stine, we didn't have time for Radnor Lake after all. Plus, it was not "beautiful lake weather." We'll go next time!